work-around for a bug in finfo_open()

It took me over two hours to find a work-around for this stupid bug - still present in the latest PHP release version for Windows…

finfo_open() screws up if you explicitly pass in null for the second parameter - you can see the bug report here

	public static function getMimeType($file,$magicFile=null)




			if(($info=$magicFile===null?finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE):finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE,$magicFile)) && ($result=finfo_file($info,$file))!==false)

				return $result;


		if(function_exists('mime_content_type') && ($result=mime_content_type($file))!==false)

			return $result;

		return self::getMimeTypeByExtension($file);


Apparently, the second argument to finfo_open() is not quite null after all - this quirky little work-around will fix it.

Fixed. Thanks.

Excellent, thanks! :slight_smile: