CDbConnection failed to open the DB

Hello, maybe someone can help me with this problem I’m having;

When trying to use Yiic command line shell to create the model (model *) it outputs the following error:

exception ‘CDbException’ with message ‘CDbConnection failed to open the DB’

I can not figure out what’s happening, not only mysql pdo is there, I can do the following in my index.php:

$db = Yii::app()->db;

$command=$db->createCommand(‘select * from Alu’);

$rows = $command->queryAll();


and it works just fine

Don’t know what to try :unsure:




just in case, the output from requirements.php

PHP version Passed Yii Framework PHP 5.1.0 or higher is required.

$_SERVER variable Passed Yii Framework

Reflection extension Passed Yii Framework

PCRE extension Passed Yii Framework

SPL extension Passed Yii Framework

DOM extension Passed CWsdlGenerator

PDO extension Passed All DB-related classes

PDO SQLite extension Warning All DB-related classes This is required if you are using SQLite database.

PDO MySQL extension Passed All DB-related classes This is required if you are using MySQL database.

PDO PostgreSQL extension Warning All DB-related classes This is required if you are using PostgreSQL database.

Memcache extension Warning CMemCache

APC extension Warning CApcCache

Mcrypt extension Warning CSecurityManager This is required by encrypt and decrypt methods.

SOAP extension Warning CWebService, CWebServiceAction

GD extension Passed CCaptchaAction

sorry for the output, it’s a little kaos, but all is there :-*

sometimes (eg. in wamp instalations) the CLI PHP uses another php.ini file diferent to the php.ini used for the web.

Hope you understand!

A way to know if they are different is running phpinfo() both from a web browser and from command line

good idea, I’ll try that right now and let you know, thanks

excellent!! thanks a lot PoL, I’ll try to think a little more next time!
