How to get informations from a join table

Hi, my first post here !

I’ve got an User model, a Group model and a GroupUser model with group_id and user_id (join table). Relations are declared as MANY_MANY in both User and Group models.

Details here:

User class

public function relations()


		return array(

			'group_user'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Group','group_user(group_id, user_id)'),



Group class

	public function relations()


		return array(

			'group_user'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'User','group_user(group_id, user_id)'),




I want to display in a group action view all the users belongings to that group.

How to achieve that ???

Many thanks


// to output in view, do something like

foreach($group->group_user as $user)

  echo $user->name;

Group class

public function relations()


    return array(

        'users' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'User','group_user(group_id, user_id)'),



$group = Group::model()->findByPk($groupId);

foreach ($group->users as $user) {



Hi mbi & Mike,

many thanks,

I’ll try your solutions, and keep you in touch.


it works !

AR association are easy in fact :)

Thanks again