Extensions in category Database, tagged with "activerecord"

Showing 1-12 of 19 items.


Database 0 0
Yii2 wrapper via activeRecord for 1C oData
Created by eXeCUT, 6 years ago, updated 3 years ago.


Database 0 1966
Load, validate and save automatically related Active Record models
Created by leandrogehlen, 4 years ago.


Database 0 8922
Trait for Yii2 ActiveRecord. Search for a model ActiveRecord or create a new one in case of failure
Created by Oleg Pustovalov, 5 years ago.


Database 0 0
This is component for searching in the Active Record models for Yii2 Framework.
Created by greeflas, 6 years ago.


Database 0 0
Display table records as a calendar using just a data provider and a date field.
Created by rincewind, 8 years ago, updated 7 years ago.


Database 1 0
A simple extension allows to access column values of junction table in ORM way without declaring additional model.
Created by alextra, 8 years ago.


Database 0 0
ActiveRecord behavior that allows you to store arrays in attributes
Created by baibaratsky, 8 years ago.


Database 0 0
This package allows you to use pessimistic locking (select for update) when you work with ActiveRecord models.
Created by Alexey Samoylov, 8 years ago.


Database 0 0
Extension contains abstract classes making it fast and easy to implement tree-structured data in Yii2 Framework
Created by jozek;, 8 years ago.


Database 2 0
Dynamic, strunctured (NoSQL-like) attributes in ActiveRecord and ActiveQuery (Maria 10 Dynamic Columns)
Created by fsb, 8 years ago.


Database 0 0
Tag ActiveRecords with keywords or similar
Created by Sjaakp, 8 years ago.


Database 0 0
A modern taggable behavior for the Yii framework.
Created by creocoder, 9 years ago.