how to return a form widget in a components or else?

I wrote a comment module to CURD comments independent. So I write a static public function in CommentModule class

like following, then we can call the API in the view to generate a comment form anywhere.

static public function getCommentForm($object,$parent_id=0)


        $object_type = self::getObjectType($object);

        $object_id = self::getObjectId($object);

        $commentModel = new Comment;

        $commentForm = new CForm(array(

                    'activeForm' => array(

                        'class' => 'CActiveForm',

                        'enableAjaxValidation' => true,

                        'id' => 'comment-form',



























                    ), $commentModel);    

        return $commentForm;


Then I have use echo in the view

<?php echo Yii::app()->getModule(‘xcomment’)->getCommentForm($model);?>

and $form->render() not working.

But enableAjaxValidation not working.

maybe this is not the pactise to return a Form in module,

what’s your option about this?

Actually,I wanna return a widgets,but I don’t know how to do.

Who can point out the right way for me :lol: