How to delete all the records in a MANY_MANY relationship?

E.g. There is a MANY_MANY relationship between A and B, so the models are as followings:

class A extends CActiveRecord


  public function relations()


    return array(

      'relation_a_b' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'B', A_B('a_id','b_id'),




class B extends CActiveRecord


  public function relations()


    return array(

      'relation_b_a' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'A', A_B('b_id','a_id'),




and the tables in DB are: A, B and A_B. Then here comes the problems: if I want to delete some records in table A, how can I remove the referred records from A_B, or is there any function or parameter can do this?


Assuming that you’re using MySQL:

Usually I set this in MySQL by using "on delete cascade" in the foreign table, so the proccess is faster and performed by the database engine

Hope it helps



Thank you for the helps. I will set this in MySQL

and how can I delete only the relation in the A_B table?

You can try out wform or eadvancedarbehavior extension. They both supports delete for MANY_MANY.

or you could try

Yii::app()->db->createCommand(‘DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE <field>=:id’)->execute(array(’:id’=>$the_id));

hope it helps

