Yii Framework autoload bug

I’ve had this problem for awhile now, it seems fairly random. Over time autoload seems to fail for various framework classes.

here is my temporary fix:

Are you using APC or any other cache?

Yes, APC is being used. Should I flush the data?

Well… I don’t have caching configured within Yii, but the server has it.

Dang, I’ve been having a similar problem.

I’m using MbMenu which extends CMenu but CMenu can’t be loaded on random occasions.

I tried your fix like this: (‘zii.widgets.CMenu’,) and it seems to be working.

I am using APC.

I’ve had problems with other widgets too, being unable to load resources or ‘file not found’ stuff which should be coming from the cache but no longer exists for some reason.

I’ve been avoiding widgets/extensions for the last month because of this.

This needs looking into further I think.


zii widgets should be used with using full paths like zii.widgets.CMenu or with zii.widgets.* in import paths list.