CListView and Pagination

On my search results page I display results from 3 different models. These are displayed in their own containers on the page using CListView widgets.

Now I am using POST as the submit method for the query form. I wish to use the ajax style pagination to browse through the search results. However I am having problems with this, I think maybe to do with the fact I am using POST.

What is the correct method of implementing ajax style pagination on CGridView? Also how can we ensure that when the user clicks into a result and then clicks back, they are taken back to their previous page number?

Here is my SearchController:

public function actionIndex()




		$dataProvider1=new CActiveDataProvider('Product', array(


				'condition'=>'active=1 AND prod_name LIKE :prod_name',








		$dataProvider2=new CActiveDataProvider('Event', array(


				'condition'=>'published=1 AND title LIKE :title',








		$dataProvider3=new CActiveDataProvider('News', array(


				'condition'=>'published=1 AND title LIKE :title',








		$this->render('index', array(







And my view (views/search/index.php):

<div id="product-categories">


<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(



)); ?>


I think I got my answer… I changed the form method to GET and it seems to be working fine now.

Only problem is regarding the last point - "how can we ensure that when the user clicks into a result and then clicks back, they are taken back to their previous page number?"

I solve by passing the number of page to the action that shows a result, and then back.

The link for go in the result change from this

CHtml::link($model->id, array('show', id=>$model->id));

to this

CHtml::link($model->id, array('show', id=>$model->id, 'page'=>$dataProvider->pagination->currentPage));

And in the view of result, you can do the lik for back like that:

CHtml::link('back', array('list', 'page'=>$_GET['page']));

You can use instad of this last one ‘page’ the same get var that CPagination uses, or you can set the page manually in the action





If you are using ajax or submit button, you have to change the link accordigly.

Is a bit strange to send a get var ‘page’ to a page that has no pager (shows). If you so much don’t like it you can send by post.

Thanks zaccaria, very helpful!

Do you know how I can display a pager at the top of the resultset, as well as at the bottom?

Anyone able to advise on the above?

EDIT: I found the answer:



I think you have a little mistake, because the value of $_GET[‘page’] is one-based while the value of $dataProvider->pagination->currentPage is zero-based.

I would have expected that $_GET[‘page’] would have been one-based but I verified it wasn’t.

By the way, you can get the name of the $_GET variable containing the current page as follows:
