Modules wont work

I have been following every tutorial I find on installing user management and RBAC modules into an empty skeleton and none of them seem to work… am I missing something??? I just followed this tutorial line by line… I even copy pasted stuff and still nothing… The page just came up like the normal Index Page of my application… Nothing special

I tried the installs for Yii-user and another one as well… Same issues… i am using the newest stable version 1.12

for the life of me I just cant get any modules to work…

Is there some magic setting I dont know about???

Changed some stuff not from that tutorial and I am not getting a blank screen when i hit the page…


have you tried to set up the Gii module (which is included with the framework) ?

just curious …


on my development machine I like to set these in my index.php so I can se EVERYTHING!

error_reporting (E_ALL);

ini_set("display_errors", 1); 


No I have not tried using Gii, I quit using Yii for a bit becuase it was making me mad, but now that the book came out I started back up again and I just tried configuring the Gii module and I got the same result as when i am using other extentions and modules… I just get a blank page… and this is from following step by step in the module…

I am using MAMP on OSX with Yii1.1.3

Probably you are getting an error but the error reporting is disabled so you end with a blank page…

Have you tried to enable the error_reporting like imehesz suggested?

If it’s not helping you can try to enable error reporting in the php.ini file







This way if there is and error you will get it on the screen

NOTE1: do not just add this options on the beginning of php.ini, search for them in the file and uncomment / change them)

NOTE2: these are my development setting (not good for deployment)

NOTE3: after changing php.ini you have to restart Apache/PHP - if not sure how, better restart the computer