
halllo can any body tell me that how to submit value from the CAutocomplete when button is pressed…

My _form.php

<div class="row">

<?php $this->widget(‘CAutoComplete’,array(

                     //name of the html field that will be generated






                     //replace controller/action with real ids


         'max'=&gt;10, //specifies the max number of items to display

                     //specifies the number of chars that must be entered 

                     //before autocomplete initiates a lookup


         'delay'=&gt;500, //number of milliseconds before lookup occurs

         'matchCase'=&gt;false, //match case when performing a lookup?

                     //any additional html attributes that go inside of 

                     //the input field can be defined here

         'htmlOptions'=&gt;array('validateonsubmit' =&gt; TRUE,), 



		  //echo CHtml::textField('referer_patient_id');


 &lt;?php echo CHtml::textField('referer_patient_id'); ?&gt;


My actionAutoCompleteLookup method in Controller

public function actionAutoCompleteLookup()


	Yii::log('Auto Complete method call by : '.Yii::app()-&gt;user-&gt;id,'info','system.web.Patient_detailsController');	

	if(Yii::app()-&gt;request-&gt;isAjaxRequest &amp;&amp; isset(&#036;_GET['q']))


        /* q is the default GET variable name that is used by

		/ the autocomplete widget to pass in user input


      &#036;name = &#036;_GET['q']; 

     // this was set with the &quot;max&quot; attribute of the CAutoComplete widget

	  &#036;limit = min(&#036;_GET['limit'], 50); 

      &#036;criteria = new CDbCriteria;

      &#036;criteria-&gt;condition = &quot;first_name LIKE :sterm&quot;;

      &#036;criteria-&gt;params = array(&quot;:sterm&quot;=&gt;&quot;%&#036;name%&quot;);

      &#036;criteria-&gt;limit = &#036;limit;



     // &#036;userArray = User::model()-&gt;findAll(&#036;criteria);

      &#036;returnVal = '';

      foreach(&#036;userArray as &#036;userAccount)


         &#036;returnVal .= &#036;userAccount-&gt;getAttribute('first_name').'|'.&#036;userAccount-&gt;getAttribute('id').&quot;&#092;n&quot;;




      echo &#036;returnVal;



Check this:

Using CAutoComplete to display one value and submit another

Atencion is for 1.0.x, so may be, for 1.1.x needs some changes.

BTW, this is a spanish forum, you should not post in english here… please use the appropiate post for each thing…