CJoinElement has many realtionships

Actual CJoinElement.buildQuery looks like this

	public function buildQuery($query)


		foreach($this->children as $child)


			if($child->relation instanceof CHasOneRelation || $child->relation instanceof CBelongsToRelation  

				|| $this->_finder->joinAll || !$this->_finder->baseLimited && $child->relation->together)








why are "has many" relationships excluded?

I mean, if I have say a blog post, that can have many categories, and the relation is called "categories", if i do

$criteria->with['categories'] = Array("select"=>"category_id");

$criteria->addCondition("categories.category_id", 1);


"categories" is stripped out from the query and i (obviously) get the error

“Unknown column ‘categories.category_id’ in ‘where clause’”.

if changed buildQuery in

	public function buildQuery($query)


		foreach($this->children as $child)


			if($child->relation instanceof CHasOneRelation || $child->relation instanceof CBelongsToRelation  

				|| $child->relation instanceof CHasManyRelation // join HasMany relationships

				|| $this->_finder->joinAll || !$this->_finder->baseLimited && $child->relation->together)








and it works without problems.

Is there a reason why they were removed?

Am I missing something?