Validation rule message

In a CUniqueValidator rule, I am trying to include some additional attributes in the message. That is, I’d like to do something like this for a rule:







    'message'=>$this->getRelated('foo')->fullName.' already taken',


However, this gives me a "Trying to get property of non-object" error.

Experimenting, I found that this works:

    'message'=>Foo::model()->findByPk(47)->fullName.' already taken',

as does this:

    'message'=>$this->fooId.' already taken',

but not this:

    'message'=>Foo::model()->findByPk($this->fooId)->fullName.' already taken',

I’m stumped. In the last case, $this->fooId ends up as NULL in the findByPk query.

I should add that this is being used to create multiple new records at once, and that I am using Form Builder. So the issue probably lies somewhere in the function I am using to loop over the $_POST array data, validating each new model.