count number of records

I can not display total number of data. I have one field, name "record", I want to display total records. Can any one help me?

This is my view file

<?php $this->widget(‘zii.widgets.grid.CGridView’, array(









)); ?>


public function actionView()


	&#036;dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('info', array(


		'condition'=&gt;'User_id =' .Yii::app()-&gt;user-&gt;id,











This is my sql command

SELECT count( records_id ) FROM info WHERE records_id IS NOT NULL AND User_id = 12 GROUP BY records_id

echo $dataProvider->getTotalItemCount();

I don’t want total records. I need SUM(records_id) field with group by . THis is my SQL command

SELECT count(records_id ) FROM info WHERE records_id IS NOT NULL AND User_id = 12 GROUP BY records_id

<?php $this->widget(‘zii.widgets.grid.CGridView’, array(








)); ?>

Sorry. I just can’t understand what you’re asking. :(

Sorry about my english. Actually I want to count record_id field if record_id IS NOT NULL

I think you can do this with


putting your WHERE clause into $condition, either as a string or an array to initialize a CDbCriteria.