Import CSV file with extension yii2-csv-importer

I’m not sure how to use the extension “yii2-csv-importer”.

I need to import a CSV file that is in the app/web/uploads/mod-key.csv directory

My table/model (BASE) and csv file have the following structure:










How would my ACTION look?

use ruskid\csvimporter\<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='???' />;

public function actionImpbase()


$importer = new CSVImporter();

$importer->setData(new CSVReader([

	'filename' => Yii::$app->request->baseUrl."/uploads/mod-key.csv",

	'tableName' => Base::tableName(),

	'fgetcsvOptions' => [

    	'delimiter' => ';'



	return $this->redirect(['index']);


the documentation is pretty clear they have very comprehensive examples, you have a creator and a reader you need to run import method with your schema and with callbacks to locate the data column

$importer = new CSVImporter();

$importer->setData(new CSVReader([

        'filename' => Yii::$app->request->baseUrl."/uploads/mod-key.csv",

        'tableName' => Base::tableName(),

        'fgetcsvOptions' => [

        'delimiter' => ';'



$numberRowsAffected = $importer->import(new MultipleImportStrategy([

    'tableName' => ModelName::tableName(), // change your model names accordingly

    'configs' => [


            'attribute' => 'id',

            'value' => function($line) {

                return $line[0];




            'attribute' => 'date',

            'value' => function($line) {

                return $line[1];



// put your remaining columns here



Worked well, thank you.