How to get data based on 3 tables from db?


I want to get data based on there db tables

There is ‘student’ table

     'course' table

and ‘student_in_course’ table (which holds foreign keys from both tables and represents all

                                courses that a student is registered to)

I would like to get all ‘course’.‘name’

based on ‘student_in_course’.‘course_id’ for a specific ‘student_in_course’.‘student_id’

What’s the best way of doing it with ActiveRecord (or other reccomended way)?

Thanks in advance

what you are looking for is a association via third table yii provides method for this here is an example

class Course extends ActiveRecord


// ...

public function getStudents()


        return $this->hasMany(Student::className(), ['id' => 'student_id'])

            ->viaTable('student_in_course', ['course_id' => 'id']);


// ...


class Student extends ActiveRecord


// ...

public function getCourses()


        return $this->hasMany(Course::className(), ['id' => 'course_id'])

            ->viaTable('student_in_course', ['student_id' => 'id']);


// ...


please take a look at the guides to get a better understanding