Need Help to checking Permission


I have a class that extended from Controller.

here is the class

the class name is Controller.php that located in protected/components/

class Controller extends CController



	 * @var array the breadcrumbs of the current page. The value of this property will

	 * be assigned to {@link CBreadcrumbs::links}. Please refer to {@link CBreadcrumbs::links}

	 * for more details on how to specify this property.


	public $breadcrumbs=array();

        public function init(){



        public function checkAuth(){

            if(Yii::app()->controller->action->id !== 'login'){







the checkAuth() function is used to checking permission that allow only non-guest member to access the action in controller.

I have been using this way (manual way) to checking current user permission:

class SiteController extends Controller {

   public function actionAdmin(){




   public function actionAdd(){




   public function actionEdit(){





whether there is another way that is more practical to put checkAuth function(). so I no longer need to put checkAuth function() every action controller?

thanks for advance :slight_smile:

In Controller.php rewrite this method:

Don’t forget to return true in the end of it.

:) thank you mr. Andy_s, fixed. :)