yii2 gridview Object of class Closure could not be converted to int

was going to call the data from model in gridview. I installed advanced grid view via composer and I am using \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn. but the prolem ProgressColumn widget is not taking




as int value, it gives me error: Object of class Closure could not be converted to int

is there any possiblity that I can convert it to int or any other alternative?

here let me present you my entire code:


'class' => \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::className(),

'attribute' => 'paxta_given',

'size' => \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::SIZE_LARGE,

'isAnimated' => true,




// 'maxValue'=> $fermercha->paxtashart,

// 'minValue'=> $fermercha->paxta_given,

'progressBarClass' => function ($model, $column) {

    return $model->{$column->attribute} > 60

        ? \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::STYLE_SUCCESS

        : \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::STYLE_WARNING;



I tried this way:


but it is jsut giving me 1 value for all attributes, it is not helping


    return $model->paxtashart;
