find all rows by given amount volume

I am trying to select rows by given amount volume and order by highest price.

if volume 1.2500 this should select id 2 then 1.(because buyer 2 price higher than 1)

if volume 1.5000 this should select id 2 then 1 finally 3. (when same price like id 1 and 3 lowest id come first)


| id     | volume     | price     |


|      1 | 1.0000     |  14250.00 |

|      2 | 0.2500     |  14251.10 |

|      3 | 0.2500     |  14250.00 |

|      4 | 0.0050     |  14200.00 |

|      5 | 0.5000     |  14200.01 |


$volume= '1.2500';

$q = Buyer::find()


  ->where(['volume' => $volume])





expected result like below volume 1.2500


| id     | volume     | price     |


|      2 | 0.2500     |  14251.10 |

|      1 | 1.0000     |  14250.00 |


expected result like below volume 1.5000


| id     | volume     | price     |


|      2 | 0.2500     |  14251.10 |

|      1 | 1.0000     |  14250.00 |

|      3 | 0.2500     |  14250.00 |


Where in your data you have either 1.2500 or 1.5000 volume?

above on the first table and volume is table column


| id     | volume     | price     |


|      1 | 1.0000     |  14250.00 |

|      2 | 0.2500     |  14251.10 |

|      3 | 0.2500     |  14250.00 |

|      4 | 0.0050     |  14200.00 |

|      5 | 0.5000     |  14200.01 |


Can you show me where volume either 1.2500 or 1.5000?

if total of the volume 1.2500 it will select id 2 and 1 (because sum of volume those 2 rows is 1.2500)ordering by price DESC and id ASC


| id     | volume     | price     |


|      2 | 0.2500     |  14251.10 |

|      1 | 1.0000     |  14250.00 |


In this sense… Ok

Next question. Why when you have volume you expected 1,2,3 ids? Why not 1 and 5?

because ordering by highest price not by ids.ids in order just when prices are equal

mysql or postgres?

You can achieve this through having clause or stored expressions. Check this

appreciate for your effort and the link.