How to change the menus on sidebar of Admin LTE if user has multiple roles?

I am using Yii2 basic.

I have Employee table and I have assigned Employee model to user application component as follows in config file:

‘user’ => [

‘identityClass’ => ‘app\models\Employee’,

‘enableSession’ => true,


I have also created permissions, roles and assigned roles to employees using RBAC.

When admin assigns a particular employee multiple roles, for eg. roles ‘fieldofficer’ as well as ‘Pastor’, then he should see on his sidebar foll menus:

  1. My Profile

  2. SHGProfile - for role fieldofficer

  3. Church Members - for role Pastor

How to accomplish this?

Construct the menus dynamically according the base-level permissions, I mean, not according to the top-level roles. Access controlling should be done using permissions, not using roles.

BTW, I think we’ve already discussed the matter in another thread of the forum:

What do you find difficult to accomplish?