Another Yii2 CMS

I’m having to retire because of illness.

I built this CMS to serve my own, and my customers needs.

It could be the word press killer that the Yii community should build.

Its not an extension, but a full blown application based on the Yii2 Advanced framework, and RBAC.

To view the app in action, and download the code, get install directions go to

I’ve started a youtube channel with some lecture vids for how to get at and do specific things.

There is a pointer there to the download link, and also install directions.

The app started out as a solution for delivering high quality portfolio’s and galleries for artists and musicians. But it can do far more than that.

My hope is the yii community will pick this up, clean it up, optimize it, and make it the better CMS.

I will be glad to answer basic questions, and help people get started, but as mentioned, I’m ill, and retired as a result of a long battle with a pretty knarly disease.

Really sorry about your illness

And thank you for sharing your creation!

IMO, if it’s not too much work, it really should be put in a github repository rather sooner than later.

Really looking forward to checking this out, although I cannot promise that I have the time to step up and contribute/develop, but if someone puts it up at Github, it would be easier to fork and do PRs.

Thank you :)


Fabulous art you have created! Especially the egg tempera ones - I really love your style. It’s as if someone (you?) merged all the best from the impressionists into a new, bold style.


I have a suggestion (good idea! :) ) - why not let yiisoft-contrib have the project under it’s umbrella?

That way, it will truly be a community project, that will remain open and maintained officially by the Yii community.

What is the license?

We won’t manage taking care of it. Too much time required…

I strongly agree with jacmoe about putting it to github though. Additionally, I’d recommend creating organization for it and adding at least three users with owner permissions. Adding jacmoe is a safe bet.

Good work!

Sad for your illness :(

Wanted to try it but the second file with db is missing. Could it be fixed?

Now you can download the 2nd file (sample db).

  1. Go to (

  2. and to

  3. and follow the link to a DropBox Folder

  4. there you can find and download 2 files: a) and b)yii2cms.sql.gz

No password required anymore.

Let us have some fun, my friends. :)

Thanks for the interest.

I’d like to build a GIT for it, but the thing is not quite ready for that. It all works, but it needs a significant clean up. For instance the vendor folder is pretty huge, and is adding 60mb to the project size. (why do developers all feel they need to add another instance of tinymce??) There are plugins I tested then did not use, or used and then abandoned for something better. Some of the add on stuff like the grid editor, formbuilder etc. All have their demo examples and sample code. I figured other developers might like access to that code and the.

One of the “features” is a tie in to a Design Elements UI that has pre built bootstrap design elements in it. Headers, Footers, content sections , portfolio’s and so on. That should be de-coupled from the app and set up as an add on with its own settings, and I’d need to build out a totally clean version of the app with empty tables, and composer set ups to do a build. I did use composer to build out the Yii2 Advanced RBAC base, and install the Kartik widgets. So would I need to get rid off all that stuff, and do a composer build the re installs it all?

Part of the problem I have now is health driven. Its hard for me to actually work much right now. As one of you mentioned. I’m an artist, and I have that work to do, and can barely do it more than an hour or two a day.

The license is open source. At this point I would just be happy to have people use it.

I opened up the link to be a straight forward drop box link.

I also will be updating those files in the next couple of days with the new forms feature. I’m thinking that one feature rounds off the basics of what a good CMS simply has to have. It allows you to build forms (via a nice drag and drop UI) , use them as block content in any page and also define chains of actions that a submission triggers (like sending emails, or storing the information in a table, loading a specific protected page etc.

The vendor folder … why not get rid of it altogether and let Composer manage it?

I personally never, ever commit the contents of ‘vendor’ to source control.

Perhaps you want the distribution to be even easier to deploy?

Open source … that would be BSD / ZLIB or MIT, I reckon ?

I agree with @jacmoe. The vendor folder should not be included in the source control.

Paul, can you perform a little clean-up by discarding unused and/or abandoned plugins when you update the source with the new features? Then it will be easier for us to refactor it for Composer.

Agree Vendor folder should not be shipped. A valid composer.json should be included.