How to implement Admin, FieldOfficer, LocationLeader, Teacher panels in yii2 basic application template?

I am using yii2 basic application template.

I have a scenario where in an Organization there are employees consisting of Admin, FieldOfficers, LocationLeaders, Teachers, etc. Now Admin creates employees using Employee CRUD application and assign roles to them using Auth_Assignment CRUD. There is SHGGroup CRUD as well as DailyTaskReport CRUD.

Now, Admin when he logss in, he should be able to see admin panel consisting of sidebar built in bootstrap or any other adminlte which contains foll menus:



2.1 District

2.2 Taluka

2.3 Village


4.Employee Training

5.SHG Groups

6.Daily Task Reports

For FieldOfficer login panel foll menus:


2.My Profile

3.SHG Groups

and similarly different responsibilties for different roles and so on.

I am not using module. Simply I created Employee, SHGGroup CRUD’s. I have manually created permissions, roles, rules and assigned roles to employees as explained in yii2-guide. It is working.

  1. Should I need to use yii2-admin panel for RBAC? - (mdmsoft)?

  2. Or When admin logss in, he can create employees first and then assign roles to these employees using auth_assignment


  3. Or else it is convinient to assign roles to employees during employee creation? (by providing dropdown where we can

    select roles)

Is it neccessary to build separate modules for admin, fieldofficer, locationleaders?

How to accomplish this?