RadioList seems not to be rendered

Hi guys, following code should search records for date. But whatever I click, else-branch in code will be selected



namespace backend\models;

use Yii;

use yii\base\Model;

use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;

use backend\models\Departments;

class DepartmentsSearch extends Departments {

    public function rules() {

        return [

            [['department_id'], 'integer'],

            [['department_name', 'department_created_date', 'department_status', 'companies_company_id', 'branches_branch_id'], 'safe'],



    public function scenarios() {

        return Model::scenarios();


    public function search($params) {

        $query = Departments::find();

        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

            'query' => $query,



        if (!$this->validate()) return $dataProvider;


        $model = new RadioForm();


        if ($model->choice_date !=true )

            $query->andFilterWhere(['<', 'department_created_date', $this->department_created_date]);


            $query->andFilterWhere(['>', 'department_created_date', $this->department_created_date]);[/b]



        $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'department_name', $this->department_name])

                ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'companies.company_name', $this->companies_company_id])

                ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'branches.branch_name', $this->branches_branch_id])

                ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'department_status', $this->department_status]);

        return $dataProvider;



Here is the RadioList:

<?=$form->field($model, 'choice_date')->radioList(array(0=>'Before',1=>'After'))->label('Please, choose Datesearching!'); ?>

Last the Model:


namespace backend\models;

use Yii;

use yii\base\Model;

class RadioForm extends Model { // A new Class programmed by Thomas Kipp 

    public $choice_date;

    public function rules() {

        return [

            ['choice_date', 'boolean'],





Check what’s in POST and what’s actually assigned to form (via $this->attributes).

I suppose, that property won’t be assigned, 'cause If I change property in model, for instance like this

 public $choice_date=false;

date will be filtered as coded(smaller as)

I absolutely have no idea why this property won’t be assigned. The other properties(data entries) -department_name,companies.company_name,branches.branch_name- will be assigned

following result are given by var_dump:



array (size=1)

  'choice_date' => null

the reason its not being assigned is your form is probably using your Departments model to render the field controls

// make sure your $model here is an instance of RadioForm

<?=$form->field($model, 'choice_date')->radioList(array(0=>'Before',1=>'After'))->label('Please, choose Datesearching!'); ?>

// or move the choice_date to the Departments model.

class DepartmentsSearch extends Departments {

    public $choice_date;

    public function rules() {

        return [

            [['department_id'], 'integer'],

            [['choice_date'], 'boolean'],

            [['department_name', 'department_created_date', 'department_status', 'companies_company_id', 'branches_branch_id', 'choice_date'], 'safe'],



    public function scenarios() {

        return Model::scenarios();


    public function search($params) {

        $query = Departments::find();

        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

            'query' => $query,



        if (!$this->validate()) return $dataProvider;


        if ($this->choice_date != true)

            $query->andFilterWhere(['<', 'department_created_date', $this->department_created_date]);


            $query->andFilterWhere(['>', 'department_created_date', $this->department_created_date]);



        $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'department_name', $this->department_name])

                ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'companies.company_name', $this->companies_company_id])

                ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'branches.branch_name', $this->branches_branch_id])

                ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'department_status', $this->department_status]);

        return $dataProvider;



Could the problem be that $this->load($params) is clearing out $params so the second $model->load($params) is assigning null?

As indicated from others: I might just add ‘select_date’ to the Departments Model, and use $this->select_date in the if() statement.

select_date doesn’t exist in my files. Furthermore, I’m already using

if ($this->choice_date != true)

in my code!

So, what du u want to explain me with ur assertion:

OK. So I thought it was ‘select_date’.

class someModel extends ActiveRecord {

   public $choice_date;




   ['choice_date', 'safe'],



In the form make your selector (dropdownBox, checkbox, etc) and $model->choice_date.

This is similar to how to set up GridView sorting/filtering of a related table.