yii2, how to do DepDrop in unclead ?

my english is very bad,

I want to coding DepDrop in unclead?

Who can do, Please help





 <div class="row">

        <?= $form->field($model, 'cate_Items')->label(false)->widget(MultipleInput::className(),[

            //'limit' => 10,// สูงสุด 10 รายการ

            'allowEmptyList' => false,

            'min' => 1,//อย่างน้อยมี 1 รายการ

            'rowOptions' =>[],

            'columns' => [


                    'name' => 'id',

                    'title' => 'id ',

                    'enableError' => true,

                    'type' => MultipleInputColumn::TYPE_HIDDEN_INPUT,



                    'name' => 'Content',

                    'title' => 'Type Content',

                    'type'  => MultipleInputColumn::TYPE_DROPDOWN,

                    'value' => function($data){

                         return $data['CropID'];


                    'items' => RefCode::getListCategory(),

                    'enableError' => true,

                    'options' => [

                        'class' => 'new_class' ,

                        'id' => 'ddl-Content',

                        'prompt' => 'Product type',




                    'name' => 'category',

                    'title' => 'Category',

                    //'type' => \yii\widgets\MaskedInput::className(), ,

                    'type'  => DepDrop::classname(),

                    'value' => function($data){ 

                         return $data['category'];


                    //'items' => [],

                        'options' => ['id'=>'ddl-Category',

                        'data' => [ $model->cate_Items['category']],



                            'placeholder'=> 'Category...',




                    'enableError' => true,








    public function actionGetCategory() {

        $out = [];

        if (isset($_POST['depdrop_parents'])) {

            $parents = $_POST['depdrop_parents'];

            if ($parents != null) {

                $content = $parents[0];

                $out = $this->GetCateList($content);

                echo Json::encode(['output'=>$out, 'selected'=>'']);




        echo Json::encode(['output'=>'', 'selected'=>'']);


     protected function GetCateList($content){

         //if (($model = Category::findOne(['content' => $content, 'cate_type' => $cate_type])) !== null) {

         $datas = Category::find()->where(['content'=>$content])->all();

         return $this->MapData($datas,'cate_type','explan_eng');


You should wrap your code using the <> button so it’s easier to read. Here is a wiki on making a dependent dropdown.

skworden, thanks

first record it ok, can do, but second record error, depdrop colums not display.