unexpected result when call frontend action from console


i’m trying to call a frontend action from console like

php yii cron/test

console action is like

public function actionTest(){

yii::$app->controllerNamespace = "frontend\controllers";

   $test = Yii::$app->runAction('web-service/test', [


echo $test;


frontend action is like:

public function beforeAction($action)


 if ($action->id == 'test') {

   $this->enableCsrfValidation = false;


 return parent::beforeAction($action);


function actionTest(){

 $x="hi ";

 echo $x;

 return $x;


in command prmpot i get result like this

hi 0  // i have really tested this codes

“hi” is because of echo in actionTest but i can’t understand why printed $test in console is 0?

it seems “return $x” won’t work and $x is not returned to console action.

if i move frontend action to somewhere like component (of course with changes like removing beforeaction() and calling component instead of runaction), i get expected result "hi hi".[/font]