Customizing DetailedView widget depending on attribute value


I am currently working with the yii\widgets\DetailView and need to define the style an attribute needs to take depending on the value the attribute takes. My widget is set as follows



        'model' => $model,

        'attributes' => [



                'label' => Yii::t('app', 'attributeY'),

                'value' => function ($model, $widget){

                    $pLang = \common\models\Language::findOne(['id'=>$model->preferred_language_id]);

                    $str = Yii::t('app','(not set)');

                    if($pLang != null){

                        $str = $pLang->name;


                    return $str;







What i need is to define a style or class to attributeY if $pLang is null. How could i go about doing this?

thanks in advance for your help

hope this helps


$pLang = \common\models\Language::findOne(['id'=>$model->preferred_language_id]);


    'model' => $model,

    'attributes' => [



            'label' => Yii::t('app', 'attributeY'),

            'value' => '<span class="plang">' . ($pLang != null ? $pLang->name : Yii::t('app','(not set)')) . '</span>',

            'format' => 'html'





yes using the ‘format’ option was the solution
