Problem with cgridview filter

Hi there!

I have a big question. Maybe someone can help me.

I have a CGridview with userid column. That column is defined as an integer:

public function rules(){                

    return array(


        array('id_user', 'safe','on'=>'search'),



When I write "abc" in the gridview filter, the controller does:


Next, load the view with the CGridview. That gridview gets data from the dataprovider. Returned from model:




contains an invalid character no numerical, the SQL fails (Oracle).

I can use


, the problem is where. In controller, in model…

Any idea?


I don’t think problem is anywhere, I mean $model->search will work with assigned attribute values. What ever is set as filter on page will be added in query. What you can do is :

i search method :

if (is_numeric($this->user_id)

   $criteria->addCondition('t.user_id = ' . $this->user_id);

meaning only if user_id is numeric it will apply condition. If it’s not numeric user_id will not be used in query. That should solve sql issue you have

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That was the solution we took for the same issue, but i think it should be also controlled in the view with any kind of js validation.