Wrong view in yii2

Hi guys,

I have two tables:

  • Main table:country

  • Lookup table:l_country

I just created two models, using Gii for both tables. Furthermore, I programmed manually following Controller,which works fine,so long:



SELECT code,name,population,l_country.bez

FROM country

INNER JOIN l_country ON country.bez_id = l_country.id;


namespace app\controllers;

use yii\web\Controller;

use yii\data\Pagination;

use app\models\Country;

class CountryController extends Controller


    public function actionIndex()


        $model = Country::find();         

        //stellt fünf Records auf einmal dar und blättert dann weiter

        $aufsplitten = new Pagination([

            'defaultPageSize' => 5,

            'totalCount' => $model->count()


        // stellt alle Records der Datenbank dar






                            ->leftJoin('l_country', 'country.bez_id = l_country.id')





          $query_join=$model->join('INNER JOIN', 'l_country', 'country.bez_id = l_country.id')->orderBy('name')





        // ermittelt den maximalen Wert pro Reihe 

        $query_1 = $model->select('population')->max('population');

        // ermittelt den durchschnittlichen Wert pro Reihe 


        // ermittelt den Gesamtwert pro Reihe 




        return $this->render('index', [

            'query_join' => $query_join,




            'aufsplitten' => $aufsplitten,







Following view only outputs Foreign Key(bez_id) of table Country.

But I want to get value(bez) of lookup table(l_country) instead blank Foreign Key as described in $query_join!

I included two Screenshots -

The first one outputs Yii2, the second one outputs phpmyadmin,as yii2 should also do,but it doesn’t!


use yii\widgets\LinkPager;


<h2>Aggregate functions (per row)</h2>



    <th width="80">Function</th>






     $format= number_format($query_1, 2, ',', '.');

     echo $format;?></td>





    $format= number_format($query_2, 2, ',', '.');

    echo $format;?></td>





    $format= number_format($query_3, 2, ',', '.');

    echo $format;?></td>





    <p> This output should show value according to foreignkey in lookup-Table,but it doesn't.What should I do?</p>



    foreach ($query_join as $country){ ?>




        echo"$country->name($country->code):$country->population,$country->bez_id"  ?>


<?php } ?>


<?= LinkPager::widget(['pagination' => $aufsplitten]) ?>