How do you translate these request into Yii orm commands?

The documentation doesn’t give enough information for edge cases where we have weird strings, sql function, and what they expect inside the arrays we pass as params, so I was wondering what would be the correct commands for the following examples:

        $request = "SELECT `game_data`.`country_code` AS country

            FROM currencies

            INNER JOIN game_data ON  `currencies`.`country_id` =  `game_data`.`countries_id`

            WHERE `currencies`.`currency` = '$currency' AND `currencies`.`sale_id` = '$sale_id'";

        $result = app()->db->createCommand($request)->queryAll();


        $result = $db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `sales_data` (`group_id`, `cap_list`, `dll_name`) VALUES ({$gameID}, '[\"{$name}\"]' ,  '{$name}')")->execute();


        $result = $db->createCommand('INSERT INTO `prio_data` (`group_id`, `consumer_name`, `priority`, `tax_code`) VALUES '.implode(',', $values))->execute();

        $request = "SELECT  `consumer_id` AS  `id` , LOWER(  `consumer_code` ) AS  `consumer`

            FROM  `global_consumer`";

            $result = $this->dbh->createCommand($request)->queryAll();

General info: Database Access Objects and Query Builder

For the #1 see:

  • select()

  • from()

  • join()

  • where()

For the #2 - I’m not really sure what’s the deal with fancy values (quoting?) here but you should see:

  • non select queries

  • quoting table and column names

  • insert()

For the #3 - I’m guessing this is batch insert in disguise, see:

  • non select queries

  • batchInsert()

For the #4 see:

  • select() 4th example

  • from()

So as you can see I disagree with “The documentation doesn’t give enough information for edge cases where we have weird strings, sql function, and what they expect inside the arrays we pass as params”.

Thanks, do you know how to make an update statement with multiple where conditions?





                        'name' => $el['new'],

                        'data' => $el['data'],



                        'userId', $this->user,

                        'product_id', $this->productId,

                        'name', $el['old'],

                        'created', $el['date'],

                        'category', $el['cat'],



The following doesn’t work for some reason.

You are not setting conditions properly. See the link for where() in my previous post.