add on clock to header Cgridview

Hi there I hope you are all fine,

please help me to fix this problem

header of cgridview I want to save link of elements order by ‘Vu’

when I saw the html code in navigator I find this link

<th id="compte-grid_c6">

<a class="sort-link desc" href="/atelier/wi-comptable/compte/admin?Compte_sort=datesession&ajax=compte-grid">Vu</a>


I can use the link “/atelier/wi-comptable/compte/admin?Compte_sort=datesession&ajax=compte-grid” to retrieve my elements order by ‘Vu’,

the problem is that I want to save this link automatiquely by adding “onClick” to header <th> but I don’t now how to do this

In my code

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(



	'columns'=>array(array('name' => 'Vu', 'value' => '$data->getDateSession()')),

