Swiftmailer and the mail() function

I was doing some reading and it seems that:

So I’m wondering how Yii is going to handle this, as the Yii2 docs currently state that:

So I’m wondering is Yii going to change this to default to sendmail (which IMO isn’t very ideal as it’s not as portable) or is it going to go around Swiftmailer and just send via the PHP mail() function itself!?

My only problem with the latter is security - from what I know Swiftmailer has a lot of protection against mail injection attacks and just bypassing it to go through mail() instead wouldn’t seem like such a great idea unless alternate protection was automatically included.

So I assume there is no plan of action for this as yet then?

composer.json of the extension is fixed to use 5.* so it won’t break by itself.

Here’s a relevant issue: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer/issues/31

Thanks for the answer Sam. :)