Kartik file input with caption of Image

I am using kartik file input widget to upload image with their particular image caption.

Below is my code which throws: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token Can anyone help what is wrong here?


use yii\helpers\Html;

use yii\helpers\Url;

use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;

use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;

use backend\models\Album;

use kartik\file\FileInput;

use yii\web\UploadedFile;


<div class="albummedia-form">

    <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>

    <?= $form->field($model, 'albumID')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(Album::find()->all(),'albumID','albumName'),['prompt' => 'Select Album']) ?>


    <?= $form->field($model, 'albummediaCaption')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?>

    <?php echo FileInput::widget([

    'name' => 'albummediaFile[]',

    'id' => "input-706",

    'class' => "file-loading",    




    'pluginOptions' => [

        'uploadUrl' => Url::to(['uploads/Album_Media']),

        'maxFileCount' => 10


]); ?>


    <?php $form->field($model, 'albummediaFavCount')->textInput() ?>

    <?php $form->field($model, 'albummediaCreatedDate')->textInput() ?>

    <div class="form-group">

        <?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?>


    <?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>



$script = <<< JS

var el2 = $('#input-706');


var footerTemplate = '<div class="file-thumbnail-footer">\n' +

'   <div style="margin:5px 0">\n' +

'       <input class="kv-input kv-new form-control input-sm text-center {TAG_CSS_NEW}" value="{caption}" placeholder="Enter caption...">\n' +

'       <input class="kv-input kv-init form-control input-sm text-center {TAG_CSS_INIT}" value="{TAG_VALUE}" placeholder="Enter caption...">\n' +

'   </div>\n' +

'   {size}\n' +

'   {actions}\n' +




    uploadUrl: '/file-upload-batch/2',

    uploadAsync: false,

    maxFileCount: 5,

    overwriteInitial: false,

    layoutTemplates: {footer: footerTemplate, size: '<samp><small>({sizeText})</small></samp>'},

    previewThumbTags: {

        '{TAG_VALUE}': '',        // no value

        '{TAG_CSS_NEW}': '',      // new thumbnail input

        '{TAG_CSS_INIT}': 'hide'  // hide the initial input


    initialPreviewAsData: true,

    initialPreview: [




    initialPreviewConfig: [

        {caption: "City-1.jpg", size: 327892, height: "120px", url: "/site/file-delete", key: 1},

        {caption: "City-2.jpg", size: 438828, width: "120px", url: "/site/file-delete", key: 2}, 


    initialPreviewThumbTags: [

        {'{TAG_VALUE}': 'City-1.jpg', '{TAG_CSS_NEW}': 'hide', '{TAG_CSS_INIT}': ''},


            '{TAG_VALUE}': function() { // callback example

                return 'City-2.jpg';


            '{TAG_CSS_NEW}': 'hide',

            '{TAG_CSS_INIT}': ''



    uploadExtraData: function() {  // callback example

        var out = {}, key, i = 0;

        $('.kv-input:visible').each(function() {

            var el = $(this);

            key = el.hasClass('kv-new') ? 'new_' + i : 'init_' + i;

            out[key] = el.val();



        return out;






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