Problema con filtro en el GRIDVIEW

Hola comunidad estoy tratando de filtrar y ordenar por el username de created_by,updated_by.

El error que me da es:

Duplicate alias: 7 ERROR: el nombre de tabla «user» fue especificado más de una vez

The SQL being executed was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "anno" LEFT JOIN "user" ON "anno"."created_by" = "user"."id" LEFT JOIN "user" ON "anno"."updated_by" = "user"."id"

SQLSTATE[42712]: Duplicate alias: 7

Aca les dejo el model y el search model.Agradeceria mucho cualquier ayuda que me puedan ofrecer.



namespace app\models;

use Yii;

use yii\behaviors\BlameableBehavior;

use yii\db\Expression;

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;


  • This is the model class for table "anno".

  • @property integer $id

  • @property string $created_at

  • @property string $updated_at

  • @property integer $created_by

  • @property integer $updated_by

  • @property User $createdBy

  • @property User $updatedBy


class Anno extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord



 * @inheritdoc


public static function tableName()


    return 'anno';



 * @inheritdoc


public function rules()


    return [

        [['id', 'created_at', 'created_by'], 'required'],

        [['id', 'created_by', 'updated_by'], 'integer'],

        [['created_at', 'updated_at'], 'safe'],

        [['created_by'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' =&gt; true, 'targetClass' =&gt; User::className(), 'targetAttribute' =&gt; ['created_by' =&gt; 'id']],

        [['updated_by'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' =&gt; true, 'targetClass' =&gt; User::className(), 'targetAttribute' =&gt; ['updated_by' =&gt; 'id']],




 * @inheritdoc


public function attributeLabels()


    return [

        'id' =&gt; 'ID',

        'created_at' =&gt; 'Created At',

        'updated_at' =&gt; 'Updated At',

        'created_by' =&gt; 'Created By',

        'updated_by' =&gt; 'Updated By',




 * @return &#092;yii&#092;db&#092;ActiveQuery


public function getCreatedBy()


    return &#036;this-&gt;hasOne(User::className(), ['id' =&gt; 'created_by']);



 * @return &#092;yii&#092;db&#092;ActiveQuery


public function getUpdatedBy()


    return &#036;this-&gt;hasOne(User::className(), ['id' =&gt; 'updated_by']);





namespace app\models\Search;

use Yii;

use yii\base\Model;

use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;

use app\models\Anno;


  • AnnoSearch represents the model behind the search form about app&#092;models&#092;Anno.


class AnnoSearch extends Anno



 * @inheritdoc


public function rules()


    return [

        [['id'], 'integer'],

        [['created_at', 'updated_at','created_by', 'updated_by'], 'safe'],




 * @inheritdoc


public function scenarios()


    // bypass scenarios() implementation in the parent class

    return Model::scenarios();



 * Creates data provider instance with search query applied


 * @param array &#036;params


 * @return ActiveDataProvider


public function search(&#036;params)


    &#036;query = Anno::find();



    &#036;dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

        'query' =&gt; &#036;query,

        'pagination'    =&gt; [

            'pageSize'  =&gt; 10,


        'sort'  =&gt; [

            'defaultOrder'  =&gt; [

                'anno'       =&gt; SORT_DESC,


            'attributes'    =&gt; [


                'created_by'   =&gt; [

                    'asc'   =&gt; ['user.username' =&gt; SORT_ASC],

                    'desc'  =&gt; ['user.username' =&gt; SORT_DESC],


                'updated_by'   =&gt; [

                    'asc'   =&gt; ['user.username' =&gt; SORT_ASC],

                    'desc'  =&gt; ['user.username' =&gt; SORT_DESC],









    if (&#33;&#036;this-&gt;validate()) {

        // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails

        // &#036;query-&gt;where('0=1');

        return &#036;dataProvider;



        'id' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;id,

        'created_at' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;created_at,

        'updated_at' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;updated_at



    &#036;query-&gt;andFilterWhere(['like','user.username', &#036;this-&gt;created_by])

          -&gt;andFilterWhere(['like','user.username', &#036;this-&gt;updated_by]);

    return &#036;dataProvider;



Estás haciendo dos LEFT JOIN a la misma tabla. Solo es necesario uno para asociar dos tablas, después, cada registro vendrá combinado y podrás acceder a la información.

Efectivamente, al usar las dos relaciones para la misma tabla la está llamando dos veces, por lo tanto da el error Duplicate alias, para solucionarlo puede llamarlo en un solo join

$query->joinWith(['createdBy' => function ($q) {

   $q->andFilterWhere(['=', 'user.username', $this->createdBy]);

   $q->andFilterWhere(['=', 'user.username', $this->updatedBy]);


Luego debe eliminarlo del primer filtro:


   'id' => $this->id,

   // 'created_by' => $this->created_by,

   'created_at' => $this->created_at,

   //'updated_by' => $this->updated_by,

   'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,


Y agregar el like en el segundo filtro:

->andFilterWhere(['like', '', $this->created_by])

->andFilterWhere(['like', '', $this->updated_by])

OK,Gracias .Problema solucionado.