Editable button in gridview yii2

Guys i want to edit the button "create" in header of yii2 gridview, but i cant find where is the function of that button. Another buttons i can change, like buttons of ActionColumn, {update}, {view} and {delete}, but the create button i cant find it.

Did you use Gii to generate CRUD. Then it’s not part of the gridview.

It’s a normal link in the view. E.g at line 22 in @app/views/<controller>/index.php.

yes, i use gii to generate Crud.

Hope this code and this

http://www.bsourcecode.com/yiiframework2/gridview-in-yiiframework-2-0/ can help you.


                'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',

                'template' => '{view} {update} {delete}',

                'urlCreator' => function ($action, $model, $key, $index) {

                    if ($action === 'view') {

                        $url = '<action>?<parameter>=<value>';

                        return $url;


                    if ($action === 'update') {

                        $url = '<action>?<parameter>=<value>';

                        return $url;


                    if ($action === 'delete') {

                        $url = Url::to(['<action>?<parameter>=<value>']);

                        return $url;

