Virtual attribute in model and search model

Hi to all,

i’m an Yii2 newbie and finally, after many attempts and forums readings :unsure: , i need to be helped!

I have 2 mysql table like these below:

table A


1 | hn_abcdefy | .domain1 |…

2 | hn_abcdefg | .domain2 |…

3 | hn_abcdefh | .domain1 |…

table B


1 | hn_abcdefy | .domain1 |…

2 | hn_abcdefx | .domain3 |…

3 | hn_abcdefh | .domain1 |…

The table A is filled by script in a scheduled task (in crontab). The table B is filled by direct and automatic CSV import.

For table A and table B i’ve generated with gii crud generator the views. But, in the search model of table B, i’ve added a virtual attribute called “trovatoinpinged” because i need a new boolean column in the index gridview that is true only if the tableB.cmdb_hostname is found in tableA.pinged_hostname column.

So, following this " post or “” i’ve:

Added a safe rule to my base tableB model:


public function rules()


        return [

            [['cmdb_hostname', 'cmdb_owner', 'cmdb_state'], 'required'],

            [['cmdb_confirmed'], 'integer'],

            [['cmdb_insert_datetime','trovatoinpinged'], 'safe'],

            [['cmdb_hostname', 'cmdb_domain', 'cmdb_owner', 'cmdb_state'], 'string', 'max' => 50],

            [['cmdb_hostname', 'cmdb_domain', 'cmdb_owner', 'cmdb_state'], 'unique', 'targetAttribute' => ['cmdb_hostname', 'cmdb_domain', 'cmdb_owner', 'cmdb_state'], 'message' => 'The combination of Cmdb Hostname, Cmdb Domain, Cmdb Owner and Cmdb State has already been taken.'],




Added a getter function to my base tableB model:


public function gettrovatoinpinged() {

		return $righe_trovate = (new Query())->select(['id'])->from(Hostslistunix::tableName())->where(['hostname' => $this->cmdb_hostname])->one() > 0 ? true : false;



Added an attribute "trovatoinpinged" to my model tableBSearch and configured my rules:


public $trovatoinpinged;


     * @inheritdoc


    public function rules()


        return [

            [['cmdb_id', 'cmdb_confirmed'], 'integer'],

            [['cmdb_hostname', 'cmdb_domain', 'cmdb_owner', 'cmdb_state', 'cmdb_insert_datetime','trovatoinpinged'], 'safe'],




Added the new virtual attribute in the gridview colums of the table B view index:


'columns' => [

            ['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn'],





				'filter'=>ArrayHelper::map(Exportcmdbunix::find()->asArray()->orderby('cmdb_domain')->all(), 'cmdb_domain', 'cmdb_domain'),





				'filter'=>ArrayHelper::map(Exportcmdbunix::find()->asArray()->orderby('cmdb_state')->all(), 'cmdb_state', 'cmdb_state'),




				'class' => '\kartik\grid\BooleanColumn',

				'trueLabel' => 'YES',

				'falseLabel' => 'NO',

				'trueIcon' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok  text-success"></span>',

				'falseIcon' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger"></span>'




				'class' => '\kartik\grid\BooleanColumn',

				'trueLabel' => 'YES',

				'falseLabel' => 'NO',

				'trueIcon' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok  text-success"></span>',

				'falseIcon' => '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger"></span>'



				'header' => '<center><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></i>',

				'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',

				'template' => '{view} {update}',




…and everything seems to work properly:

But when i try to use the filter above the new column nothing happens.

In fact, in Section 3 and 4 of the StackOverflow guide, it explains how to add the where condition in my tableB searchmodel. But in the linked guide, explain how to use a virtual attribute calculated and related on the same DB table.

How to do in my case? Where and how can I make the join between the two tables?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english!

This getter method works fine, only after "$this" has been filled with a row of table B.

When you are trying to search rows of table B with some condition, this getter method can’t do anything, since we don’t have a concrete “$this” with a valid “cmb_hostname” yet.

Try this approach instead:

"Guide - Working with Database - Active Record - Selecting extra fields"

$query = TableB::find()



        '(SELECT count(id) from table_a where table_a.pinged_hostname = table_b.cmdb_hostname) AS trovatoinpinged'


Hi softark and first of all thanks for you answer.

I’ve added this code in my tableB search model:

$query = Exportcmdbunix::find();




        '(SELECT count(id) from hosts_list_unix as ping, export_cmdb_unix as cmdb where ping.hostname = cmdb.cmdb_hostname) AS trovatoinpinged'


But nothing is changed. I suppose that i must add a ‘andfilterwhere’ condition. true???

If i try to add this condition in search function:


$query->andFilterWhere(['=', 'trovatoinpinged', $this->trovatoinpinged])


i receive the error like


i can’t post image.but this is a link to a preview of my index view. The “pinged” column is the virtual boolean attribute column.


Umm, I think you have to use "andHaving()", since "trovatoinpinged" is not yet available when "where" clause is evaluated.

if ($this->trovatoinpinged != '') {

    $query->andHaving(['trovatoinpinged' => $this->trovatoinpinged]);


Hay Have you found solutions to this ?? I know its been a long time since you posted it, I am just getting started with Yii and I have the same error/situation