html OBJECT tag with DATA url from a model blob attribute

I want to show a PDF content in a View with html tag as <object data="URL of PDF">.

My PDF content is saved in a Blob field, not as a file. So the URL source of data is not referred to a PDF file.

Then I modified URL as a link to an Controller action in View file as this:



	$base_url = "h*tp://". $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].'?') ;

	echo '<object style="width:100%;height:500px"  data="'. $base_url.'/PDFget/id/'.$id . '" type="application/pdf">';

	echo '</object>';


I wrote an action in controller to read Blob field and echo the PDF content.


	public function actionPDFget($id)




		header('Content-type: application/pdf');

		header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0');

		header('Pragma: public');

		header('Expires: 0');

		header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');

		header('Content-length: '.$model->PDF_FileSize);

		header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$model->PDF_FileName);

		echo $model->PDF_Content;


But when running the code, in view no PDF is shown. I reviewed the page source and found the <object …> tag is correct:









<object style="width:100%;height:500px"  data="h*tp://" type="application/pdf"></object>





If I paste the link h*tp:// in Browser address bar, it gets the PDF content as a file download.

In normal <object data="URL"> tag definition, the data URL most have a file link, but as a security matter I do not want to have PDF in a file and so send it directly from database to view as data of <object…> tag.

May I ask you any help to solve the problem, please.