transaction commit when its validation fail

Hi, i have issue in using transaction.

public function actionCreate()


        $model = new PoAgen();

        $seq = Sequence::FindOne(['seq_id' => 'INV/AG', 'seq_name' => (int)date('ymd')]);



            $_seq = new Sequence();

            $_seq->seq_id = 'INV/AG';

            $_seq->seq_name = (int)date('ymd');

            $_seq->value = 0;


            $model->trx_id = $_seq->seq_id . '/' . $_seq->seq_name . str_pad($_seq->value+1, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);


        else {

            $seq->value += 1;

            $model->trx_id = $seq->seq_id . '/' . $seq->seq_name . str_pad($seq->value, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);



		$model->pot_cong = 0;

		$model->pot_basah_kg = 0;

		$model->pot_tangkai = 0;

		$model->ppn = 0;

		$model->pot_pinjaman = 0;

		$model->pot_panjar = 0;

		$model->ongkos_angkut = 0;

		$model->pot_angkut = 0;

        $model->is_transfer = true;

        $model->buy_date = date('Y-m-d');

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {

            $transaction = PoAgen::getDb()->beginTransaction();



                $model->created_by = Yii::$app->user->identity->id;

                $model->created_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

                $saldo = Saldo::findOne(1); 

                $kas = Kas::findOne(1000); // pembelian agen pks

                $agen = Agen::findOne($model->agen_id);




                    if($kas->code == 'D')


                        $saldo->balance -= $model->total_bayar;




                        $saldo->balance += $model->total_bayar;





                // posting to kasbook

                $kasbook = new KasBook();

                $kasbook->kasbook_id = uniqid();

                $kasbook->kas_date = $model->buy_date;

                $kasbook->ref_trxid = $model->trx_id;

                $kasbook->kas_id = $kas->kas_id;

                $kasbook->code = $kas->code;

                $kasbook->total = $model->total_bayar;

                $kasbook->balance = $saldo->balance;

                $kasbook->received_by = '['. $model->agen_id . '] ' . $agen->agen_name;

                $kasbook->remark = 'Berat Bersih : ' . $model->r_bersih . ', Harga : ' . $model->price;

                $kasbook->vehicle_id = $model->vehicle_id; 

                $kasbook->is_transfer = $model->is_transfer;

                $kasbook->created_by = Yii::$app->user->identity->id;

                $kasbook->created_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');



                if($model->ppn != 0)


                    $kb_1 = new KasBook();

                    $kb_1->kasbook_id = uniqid();

                    $kb_1->kas_date = $model->buy_date;

                    $kb_1->ref_trxid = $model->trx_id;

                    $kb_1->kas_id = 2000;

                    $kb_1->code = 'K';

                    $kb_1->total = $model->ppn;

                    $kb_1->balance = $saldo->balance;

                    $kb_1->remark = 'Ppn Pembelian Agen';

                    $kb_1->vehicle_id = $model->vehicle_id;

                    $kb_1->is_transfer = true;

                    $kb_1->created_by = Yii::$app->user->identity->id;

                    $kb_1->created_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');



                // kurang posting ke purchase order barang


                return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->trx_id]);


            catch(Exception $e) {                


                throw $e;


        } else {

            return $this->render('create', [

                'model' => $model,




the validation failed in the block

if($model->ppn != 0) { ... }

because master table $kas do not have primary id 2000 yet, and the transaction still commit.

please advice.

Thanks before

I got answer from and the answer is $model->save() does not throw any exceptions but return boolean.

So I need to catch all the save() method in one variable to validate whether it is valid or not.

$valid = $model->save();

$valid = $valid && $saldo->save();

$valid = $valid && $kb_1->save();

if($valid) {


	return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->trx_id]);





	throw new Exception("Error Processing Request", 1);
