Redactor and multiple images upload

Hi All,

Does Yii2 Redactor extension support multiple images upload? (Redactor itself supports this feature.)

If yes, how configuration should looks like?

Appreciate a working example!

Thank you!


Well, forum was not helpful, but I would like to post back my findings:


  1. Current licensed version of WYSIWYG Redactor by Imperavi is version dated October 2015 (really old and outdated).

  2. Redactor supports multipleImageUpload setting starting from version 1.2 dated December 16th, 2015


I’ve found the problematic place in the redactor.js file that is located in vendor/yiidoc/yii2-redactor/assets/

                onDrop: function (e) {

                    e = e.originalEvent || e;

                    var files = e.dataTransfer.files;

                    this.upload.traverseFile(files[0], e);

As you can see, only the first image will be uploaded, as it is hardcoded files[0] in the JavaScript

So, small change to have a loop on all images helped me to solve the problem:

                onDrop: function (e) {

                    e = e.originalEvent || e;

                    var files = e.dataTransfer.files;

                    for (var index = 0; index < files.length; ++index) {

                        this.upload.traverseFile(files[index], e);


Now user can drop multiple files to the upload box and it works fine, except of progress bar that works incorrectly.

PS. No changes are needed on PHP side