Counting and searching in pivot table

Hello every one, I have a problem in counting and searching in a pivot table.

The scenario: I have a Reports table and its respective CActiveRecord Reports


| ID | reporter_id | subject | report |


| 1  |     1       |    A    |  "OK"  |

| 2  |     1       |    B    |  "OK"  |

| 3  |     1       |    c    |"NOT OK"|

| 4  |     2       |    A    |  "OK"  |

| 5  |     2       |    C    |  "OK"  |


Now, since Yii does not support view directly and I don’t want to add the view to the DB, I extended this model with ReporterReports. What this class do is to access the Reports table and group every report by reporter_id, like that:


| reporter_id | report_subjectA | report_subjectB | report_subjectC |


|      1      |      "OK"       |      "OK"       |    "NOT OK"     |

|      2      |      "OK"       |       NULL      |      "OK"       |


The new model:

class ReporterReports extends Reports {

    ///the virtual attributes

    public $reporterId;

    public $reportSubjectA;

    public $reportSubjectB;

    public $reportSubjectC;

    public static function model($class = __CLASS__){

        return parent::model($class);



    public function rules() {

        return array(

            array('reporterId, reportSubjectA, reportSubjectB, reportSubjectC', 'safe'),

            array('reporterId, reportSubjectA, reportSubjectB, reportSubjectC', 'safe', 'on' => 'search')



    private function getSelectStatement() {

        return array(

            'reporter_id as reporterId',

            'MIN(CASE WHEN subject = 'A' THEN report ELSE NULL END) AS reportSubjectA',

            'MIN(CASE WHEN subject = 'B' THEN report ELSE NULL END) AS reportSubjectB',

            'MIN(CASE WHEN subject = 'C' THEN report ELSE NULL END) AS reportSubjectC',



    //override findAll to add the pivoting query

    public function findAll($condition='', $params=array()) {

        $this->dbCriteria->select = $this->getSelectStatement();

        $this->dbCriteria->group = "reporterId";



        return parent::model()->findAll($this->dbCriteria, $params);



    public function count($condition='',$params=array()) {

        $this->dbCriteria->select = $this->getSelectStatement();

        $this->dbCriteria->group = "reporterId";



        return parent::model()->count($this->dbCriteria, $params);


    public function search() {

        $criteria = new CDbCriteria;

        $criteria->select = $this->getSelectStatement();

        $criteria->group = "reporterId";

        $criteria->compare("reporter_id", $this->getReporterId(), true);

        $criteria->compare('CASE WHEN subject = 'A' THEN report ELSE NULL END', $this->getReportSubjectA(), true);

        $criteria->compare('CASE WHEN subject = 'B' THEN report ELSE NULL END', $this->getReportSubjectB(), true);

        $criteria->compare('CASE WHEN subject = 'C' THEN report ELSE NULL END', $this->getReportSubjectC(), true);

        return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(

            'criteria' => $criteria));



    //getters and setters for virtual attributes


The Reports model: had to override the instantiate function so that it instantiate the correct class. If not, the new virtual attributes will not be selected.

class Reports extends CActiveRecord {


    protected function instantiate($attributes)


            if(isset($attributes['reporterId'])) {


            } else {




		$model=new $class(null);

		return $model;



My problems:

  • Count does not count the group. It counts all the Report records that will be grouped to create the ReporterReports record. So if we do a query and we get a ReporterReports record with subjectA and subcjectB, the count will be 2.

  • Cannot search in Gridview: with the current implementation when I search for a report, I get the correct record, but all the other reports are null. (probably because I cannot use the MIN function in the where clause)

  • I tried to directly access the attributes: since I’m selecting the attributes and give them a name with AS, I’m expecting to be able to access them, but I got column not found.

public function search() {

        $criteria = new CDbCriteria;

        $criteria->select = $this->getSelectStatement();

        $criteria->group = "reporterId";

        $criteria->compare("reporter_id", $this->getReporterId(), true);

        $criteria->compare("reportSubjectA", $this->getReportSubjectA(), true);




I tried I think anything and the links given by google are all purple. Finally, I decided to ask help here.
