Substring highlighting is not working for Yii2 elasticsearch

I’m try to create autocomplete with substring highlighting feature for example if I type sam it should return samsung but it return full word with highlighting like samsung. Please suggest what should I do. Here’s is my model code:

public function attributes()


        return['id', 'name', 'email'];



    public static function mapping()


        return [

            static::type() => [

                'properties' => [

                    'id'       => ['type' => 'integer'],

                    'name'     => [

                        'type' => 'string',

                        "analyzer" => "autocomplete",

                        "search_analyzer" => "standard",



                    'email'    => ['type' => 'string'],






     * Create this model's index


    public static function createIndex()


        $db = static::getDb();

        $command = $db->createCommand();

        $command->createIndex(static::index(), [

            'settings' => [

                'number_of_shards' => 1,

                'analysis' => [

                    'analyzer' => [

                        "autocomplete" => [

                            "type" => "custom",

                            "tokenizer" => "standard",

                            "filter" => ["lowercase", "autocomplete_filter"],



                    'filter' => [

                        "autocomplete_filter" => [

                            "type" => "edge_ngram",

                            "min_gram" => 2,

                            "max_gram" => 15,






            'mappings' => static::mapping(),

            //'warmers' => [ /* ... */ ],

            //'aliases' => [ /* ... */ ],

            //'creation_date' => '...'

