Foreach in DetailView


I have a one-to-many relationship between two tables.

Table 1 - customer details

Table 2 - product rating (There are many products and they rate as many as they like)

In the detail view of table 1, I would like to include a list of the products they have rated in table 2. I have created the following code within the model for table 1 and it is working well:

    public function getSurveyResponse()


        return $this->hasMany(SurveyResponse::className(), ['visit_id' => 'visit_id']);


    public function getQuestionText(){

        $questions = [];

        foreach ($this->surveyResponse as $question ){

            $questions[] = $question['question_text'];


        return $questions;


$questions contains the array of questions. (The answers are also in table2, so I would do something similar for that)

I can access a single item from the $questions array in the DetailView by doing this:


                'label' => 'Answer',

                'value' =>  $model->questionText[2],


But what I would really like to do is display a list of the questions they have answered. Ideally I would display the question in the left-hand column and the answer in the right-hand column like this:

(output from the table1)


email                  |

name                   |  bob smith


(output from the foreign table2)

please rate product A  |  3

please rate product B  |  5

please rate product F  |  3

Any help would be most appreciated.

Many thanks