Progressive web app


I would like to know if anybody has made a Progressive Web App using Yii Framework (yii2). If so, please advise about the basic differences we should consider before coding the application.

Any luck with this?

What a problem to use rest api? Yii2 has rich support for this interface.

@hrnair Have you implemented a pwa with Yii2? Any advice?

@pls-kick-me There is no problem but it is you a rest api… I guess @hrnair is looking to implement the serviceworker.js with Yii Asset bundle to have the advantages of a pwa: push notifications, offline app, cache, etc without having to move all to a API base project.

Well Yii2 is a backend framework, so just use the Rest API. This will handle the backend.

For the PWA, I suggest you use a Vue.js + webpack. I tried out F7 framework as the css (instead of bootstrap) and it seemed to go quite smoothly, although some part require rewiring.

PWA required just 2 js files on specific places to be implemented….
What a petty to read on this forum to use something else than Yii for PWA frontend…
and not have 1 alternative to try to build a solution…

Humhub has just implemented PWA on his beta version

this could be a working reference…