Yii2 I18n change controller name with selected language


Is it possible to change controller name and action name with current selected language like:

If current language is en then url shuold:


and if current language is da then url should:


It is what I have tried but it shows 404 not found:


'urlManager' => [

            'baseUrl' => $baseUrl,

            'enablePrettyUrl' => true,

            'showScriptName' => false,

            'rules' => [

                Yii::t('app','site/index') => Yii::t('app','site/index'),




in common/messages/da/app.php

	return [



In my layouts/main.php

<a href="<?= Yii::$app->urlManager


          <?= Yii::t('app','Home') ?>


I made something similar some time ago but it’s not perfect.

Take a look here.

Thank you friend, can you please share


detail, how you integrated that?

    public function parseRequest($request)


        if ($this->enablePrettyUrl) {

            /* @var $rule UrlRule */

            foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {

                if (($result = $rule->parseRequest($this, $request)) !== false) {

                    $routeParts = explode('/', $result[0]);

                    if (isset($routeParts[0]) && !empty($this->languageControllers[$this->language])) {

                        foreach ($this->languageControllers[$this->language] as $default => $localized) {

                            if ($localized == $routeParts[0]) {

                                $routeParts[0] = $default;





                    if (isset($routeParts[1]) && !empty($this->languageActions[$this->language])) {

                        foreach ($this->languageActions[$this->language] as $default => $localized) {

                            if ($localized == $routeParts[1]) {

                                $routeParts[1] = $default;





                    $result[0] = implode('/', $routeParts);

                    return $result;



            if ($this->enableStrictParsing) {

                return false;


            Yii::trace('No matching URL rules. Using default URL parsing logic.', __METHOD__);

            $suffix = (string) $this->suffix;

            $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();

            if ($suffix !== '' && $pathInfo !== '') {

                $n = strlen($this->suffix);

                if (substr_compare($pathInfo, $this->suffix, -$n, $n) === 0) {

                    $pathInfo = substr($pathInfo, 0, -$n);

                    if ($pathInfo === '') {

                        // suffix alone is not allowed

                        return false;


                } else {

                    // suffix doesn't match

                    return false;



            return [$pathInfo, []];

        } else {

            Yii::trace('Pretty URL not enabled. Using default URL parsing logic.', __METHOD__);

            $route = $request->getQueryParam($this->routeParam, '');

            if (is_array($route)) {

                $route = '';


            return [(string) $route, []];



Thank you so much for your time and piece of code,

I’m getting Not Found (#404) error when my url looks like this: websted/indeks

but it is okay with site/index.

Here is what I have tried:

In frontend\config/main.php

'urlManager' => [

            'baseUrl' => $baseUrl,

            'class' => 'frontend\components\CustomUrlRule',

            'enablePrettyUrl' => true,

            'showScriptName' => false,

            'enableStrictParsing' => false,

            'rules' => [



and in frontend\components\CustomUrlRule


namespace frontend\components;

use Yii;

use yii\web\UrlManager;

class CustomUrlRule extends UrlManager


     public function parseRequest($request)


        if ($this->enablePrettyUrl) {

            /* @var $rule UrlRule */

            foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {

                if (($result = $rule->parseRequest($this, $request)) !== false) {

                    $routeParts = explode('/', $result[0]);

                    if (isset($routeParts[0]) && !empty($this->languageControllers[$this->language])) {

                        foreach ($this->languageControllers[$this->language] as $default => $localized) {

                            if ($localized == $routeParts[0]) {

                                $routeParts[0] = $default;





                    if (isset($routeParts[1]) && !empty($this->languageActions[$this->language])) {

                        foreach ($this->languageActions[$this->language] as $default => $localized) {

                            if ($localized == $routeParts[1]) {

                                $routeParts[1] = $default;





                    $result[0] = implode('/', $routeParts);

                    return $result;



            if ($this->enableStrictParsing) {

                return false;


            Yii::trace('No matching URL rules. Using default URL parsing logic.', __METHOD__);

            $suffix = (string) $this->suffix;

            $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();

            if ($suffix !== '' && $pathInfo !== '') {

                $n = strlen($this->suffix);

                if (substr_compare($pathInfo, $this->suffix, -$n, $n) === 0) {

                    $pathInfo = substr($pathInfo, 0, -$n);

                    if ($pathInfo === '') {

                        // suffix alone is not allowed

                        return false;


                } else {

                    // suffix doesn't match

                    return false;



            return [$pathInfo, []];

        } else {

            Yii::trace('Pretty URL not enabled. Using default URL parsing logic.', __METHOD__);

            $route = $request->getQueryParam($this->routeParam, '');

            if (is_array($route)) {

                $route = '';


            return [(string) $route, []];





Also please let me know, Is my including of CustomUrlRule class is ok or I need to move somewhere else?


This condition is not getting true:

if (($result = $rule->parseRequest($this, $request)) !== false)

I have modified this code to work with the current framework version. It needs to be tested because I’m pretty sure not every case is covered there.



namespace common\components;

use Yii;

use yii\web\Request;

use yii\web\UrlManager as YiiUrlManager;


 * UrlManager

 * Allows to translate urls dynamically.


class UrlManager extends YiiUrlManager


    public $enablePrettyUrl = true;

    public $showScriptName  = false;

    public $language;


     * Translated controllers names.

     * language code => [

     *      source name => translated name

     * ]

     * @var array 


    public $languageControllers = [

        'eo' => [

            'site'  => 'ejo',

            'users' => 'uzantoj'




     * Translated actions names.

     * language code => [

     *      source name => translated name

     * ]

     * @var array 


    public $languageActions = [

        'eo' => [

            'contact' => 'kontakton',

            'about'   => 'pri-ni',

            'test'    => 'testo'




     * Initializes UrlManager.


    public function init()



        if (empty($this->language)) {

            $this->language = Yii::$app->language;




     * Creates translated url.

     * @param array $params

     * @return string the created URL


    public function createUrl($params)


        $params = (array)$params;

        $route = explode('/', trim($params[0], '/'));

        if (isset($route[0]) && !empty($this->languageControllers[$this->language][$route[0]])) {

            $route[0] = $this->languageControllers[$this->language][$route[0]];


        if (isset($route[1]) && !empty($this->languageActions[$this->language][$route[1]])) {

            $route[1] = $this->languageActions[$this->language][$route[1]];


        $params[0] = implode('/', $route);

        return parent::createUrl($params);



     * Translates the request back to the source one.

     * @param Request $request the request component

     * @return Request


    public function translateRequest($request)


        if (empty($this->languageControllers[$this->language])) {

            return $request;


        $url = ltrim($request->getPathInfo(), '/');

        $parts = explode('/', $url);

        $controller = $parts[0];

        $action = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : null;

        foreach ($this->languageControllers[$this->language] as $default => $localized) {

            if ($localized == $controller) {

                $controller = $default;




        $parts[0] = $controller;

        if ($action !== null) {

            foreach ($this->languageActions[$this->language] as $default => $localized) {

                if ($localized === substr($action, 0, mb_strlen($localized, 'UTF-8'))) {

                    $action = $default . substr($action, mb_strlen($localized, 'UTF-8'));




            $parts[1] = $action;


        $request->setPathInfo(implode('/', $parts));

        return $request;



     * Parses and translates the user request.

     * @param Request $request the request component

     * @return array|boolean the route and the associated parameters. The latter is always empty

     * if [[enablePrettyUrl]] is false. False is returned if the current request cannot be successfully parsed.


    public function parseRequest($request)


        return parent::parseRequest($this->translateRequest($request));



UrlManager configuration:

// ...

'components' => [

    // ...

    'urlManager' => [

        'class' => 'common\components\UrlManager',

        // ...



Now, for Yii:$app->language = ‘eo’;


[*]/site/test calls controller Site with action Test.

[*]/ejo/testo calls controller Site with action Test.

[*]/ejo calls controller Site with action Index.

[*]/site/testo calls controller Site with action Test.


For different languages only existing routes work. You can send parameters to action in the normal way.