createObject and type hints


This is cosmetic but perhaps there is some know solution?

I use amazing PhpStorm IDE from JetBrains. It supports type hints now.

So, presuming the target function is like that:

public function setProfile(Profile $profile)


    $this->_profile = $profile;


where "Profile" is an instance of specific class (declared with "use" statement)

if I write as follows:

$profile = new Profile();


everything is fine, but if i code like this:

$profile = Yii::createObject(Profile::className());


I get this inspection warning:

Invocation parameter types are not compatible with declared

This is minor issue of course, but perhaps you know how to let the IDE understand the meaning of createObject ???


Go to the line above where $profile is assigned and enter /** hit SPACE and enter Profile as the type. You should end up with

    /** @var Profile $profile */

    $profile = Yii::createObject(Profile::className());

Bingo !!!

Muchas gracias :)