

I have a problem with this ajaxSubmitButton thingy. The code in the controller which called by ajax, working properly(file renameing), but its not updating the field in the browser.

I checked my ajax output with firebug, and its seems okay, I got back the 200 code, and after that, i supposed that the js script which is defined in the success property of ajax should run. But its also doesnt do anything at all.

Does anybody know what can be the problem?

i have this in my view:

 $o .= '<div id="file_document'.$i.'">'.$document['file_name'].'</div>'.$eol;

 $o .= '</h3>'.$eol;

 $o .= '<div id="edit_file_document'.$i.'" class="button_edit_filename">'.$eol;

 $o .= CHtml::beginForm();

 $o .= CHtml::textField('documents_filename'.$i, $document['file_name'], array('class'=>'editfiletext',));

 $o .= CHtml::hiddenField('documents_extension'.$i, $document['file_extension']);

 $o .= CHtml::hiddenField('documents_origignalfile'.$i, $document['file_name'].'.'.$document['file_extension']);

 $o .= CHtml::hiddenField('documents_projectdir'.$i, $project->name);

 $o .= CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton (



	array (

		'ajax' => array(

		         'type' =>'POST',

                         'dataType' => 'html',

		         'update' => '#file_document'.$i,

                         'complete' => 'function()showHideForm('.$i.')'

			 'success' => 'function(){updateFileName('.$i.')}',




 $o .= CHtml::endForm();

 echo $o;

and I have this in my controller:

 public function actionEditFileName(){

	$file_new = $base_src .$sub_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file[$type.'_filename'].'.'.$file[$type.'_extension'];

	$file_old = $base_src . $sub_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file[$type.'_origignalfile'];

        rename($file_old, $file_new);

	echo 'new filename';


and because this update seems to not working i implemented a js solution. at least i thought so it should work but its not working at all either.

i have some js code as well

function showHideForm(id){

        $('#edit_file_document' + id).slideToggle("slow");

	$('#file_document' + id).slideToggle('slow');


function updateFileName(id){

	alert('update'<img src='http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

	var new_name = jQuery('#documents_filename'+id).value;




Hey JMC,

You might have


in your main config.

Disable that and it will work like a charm :wink:

You also might change





If you can’t figure it out, just ask your favourite colleague :wink:

Thanks m8, I will try it =)

Unforutnately it didnt make it work. But we find out whats the problem.

this should be the ajaxSubmitbutton’s code:

$o .= CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton (



        array (

              'type' =>'POST',

              'dataType' => 'html',

              'update' => '#file_document'.$i,

              'complete' => 'function()showHideForm('.$i.')'



I hope it will help some other people as well;)