Class not found when creating new widget

In my vendor directory, i have the following structure:

- marcelodeandrade

-- yii2-izimodal-widget

--- assets

--- composer.json

--- IziModalAsset.php

--- IziModalWidget.php



  "name": "marcelodeandrade/yii2-izimodal-widget",

  "description": "A Yii2 wrapper widget for the iziModal, a modal plugin with jQuery.",

  "keywords": [








  "type": "yii2-extension",

  "license": "MIT",

  "authors": [


      "name": "Marcelo de Andrade",

      "email": ""



  "minimum-stability": "stable",

  "require": {

    "yiisoft/yii2": ">=2.0.5"


  "autoload": {

        "psr-4": {

            "marcelodeandrade\\izimodal\\": ""






namespace marcelodeandrade\izimodal;

use yii\web\AssetBundle;


 * iziModal asset bundle


 * @author  <>

 * @since 1.0


class IziModalAsset extends AssetBundle


    public $sourcePath = null;  //'@vendor/marcelodeandrade/izimodal-widget/assets';

    public $css = [



    public $js = [



    public $depends = [





    public function init()



        $this->setSourcePath(__DIR__ . '/assets');




     * Sets the source path if empty

     * @param string $path the path to be set


    protected function setSourcePath($path)


        if (empty($this->sourcePath)) {

            $this->sourcePath = $path;






namespace marcelodeandrade\izimodal;

use yii;

use yii\web\View;


 * A Yii2 wrapper widget for the iziModal, a modal plugin with jQuery.


 * @see

 * @author Marcelo de Andrade <>

 * @since 1.0


class IziModalWidget extends \yii\base\Widget




     * @var string name of the theme to use 


    public $theme = null;//'tab';



     * @var array options for widget


    public $options = [];

    public $clientOptions = [];

    public function init()




        if (!isset($this->options['id'])) {

            throw new InvalidConfigException("The 'id' option is required");



    public function run()


    	$view = $this->getView();

    	$options = (isset($this->options)) ? json_encode($this->options) : json_encode( [] );




     * Registers the needed assets


    public function registerAssets()


        $view = $this->getView();

        $id = $this->options['id'];


        $clientOptions = Json::encode(


                $this->clientOptions ?: new JsExpression('{}')



        $js = "$('#{$id}').iziModal({$clientOptions});";




In my view, i try call:

use marcelodeandrade\izimodal\IziModalWidget;

/* @var $this yii\web\View */

echo IziModalWidget::widget([]);

And get error:

Class 'marcelodeandrade\izimodal\IziModalWidget' not found

What i am doing wrong?

You should add the namespace of marcelodeandrade in the file @vendor\yiisoft\extensions.php if it is not done by composer.

in extensions.php had the array:

  'marcelodeandrade/yii2-izimodal-widget' => 

  array (

    'name' => 'marcelodeandrade/yii2-izimodal-widget',

    'version' => '9999999-dev',

    'alias' => 

    array (

      '@marcelodeandrade/izimodal-widget' => $vendorDir . '/marcelodeandrade/yii2-izimodal-widget',



i think the alias is not correct, is that so?


i remove the suffix -widget from alias and works fine, but how to fix it?

ok, now that namespace ‘marcelodeandrade/izimodal-widget’ is pointing to $vendorDir . ‘/marcelodeandrade/yii2-izimodal-widget’ directory, you can use the namespace to use the files in the respective directory.

for eg:

        use marcelodeandrade\izimodal-widget\myClass;

will use the file $vendorDir . '/marcelodeandrade/yii2-izimodal-widget/myClass.php
