Yii Framework comments in the Opcache interned strings buffer

In a default php.ini, opcache.save_comments=1. So all of Yii’s API documentation and other comments will occupy space in the interned strings buffer. This raises a couple of questions.

  1. Does anything in Yii break if comments are not saved (i.e. opcache.save_comments=0)?

The yii console command runner uses comments for --help but I’m not aware of any other use.

  1. If comments are saved, how much space in the interned strings buffer should I budget for Yii’s comments?


[*]It depends a bit on what classes you use:

  • The console commands use comments to generate help information. It should not affect running the commands them self.

  • The Markdown Parser Library depends on comments being present. Without comments, no markdown elements will get parsed as the single language elments are registered using annotations.

Any other classes will work fine with comments stripped.

[*]Not sure about this one.
