Problem migrating for Live server

Hello everyone,

I’ve developed my application on my computer (localhost).

Now I’m migrating it to a live webserver (free).

The problem is that I’m having this problem when accessing the database: “SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known”

My db.php file on my localhost is this:


return [

'class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;db&#092;Connection',

'dsn' =&gt; 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=trabalhadores_junta',

'username' =&gt; 'Nuno',

'password' =&gt; 'Nuno', 

'charset' =&gt; 'utf8',


On my webserver i’ve changed it to (according to the information they provide me):


return [

'class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;db&#092;Connection',

'dsn' =&gt; ';dbname=2144179_db',

'username' =&gt; '2144179_db',

'password' =&gt; '********',   (not showing the password)

'charset' =&gt; 'utf8',


Can you tell me what’s wrong?

In my local file, i’ve changed the information to the live one and I still get the error.

Thank you.


For some reason it cannot convert the host name… try to use IP address instead of "[color=#1C2837][size=2]"[/size][/color]

Hi Maurizio,

I«ve changed to the IP address:, but I’m still getting the same error.