How to plot time series and gauge highcharts in yii with dynamic data?




       'scripts' => array(

‘highcharts-more’, // enables supplementary chart types (gauge, arearange, columnrange, etc.)

‘modules/exporting’, // adds Exporting button/menu to chart

‘themes/grid’ // applies global ‘grid’ theme to all charts


      'chart' => array('type' => 'gauge', 'plotBorderWidth' => 0, 'plotShadow' => false),

      'title' => array('text' => 'Student'),

      'pane' => array('startAngle' => -150, 'endAngle' => 150),

      'yAxis' => array(

         // 'title' => array('text' => 'Jumlah'),

         'min' => array(0),

         'max' => array(100),

         'minorTickInterval' => array('auto'),

         'minorTickWidth' => array(100),

         'minorTickLength' => array(10),

         'minorTickPosition' => array('inside'),

         'minorTickColor' => array('#666'),

         'tickPixelInterval' => array(30),

         'tickWidth' => array(2),

         'tickPosition' => array('inside'),

         'tickLength' => array(10),

         'tickColor' => array('#666'),

         'labels' => array('step'=>'2', 'rotation'=>'auto'),

         'title' => array('text'=>'marks'),

         'plotBands' => array( 

                        array('from'=>0, 'to'=>50, 'color'=>'#DF5353'),

                        array('from'=>50, 'to'=>80, 'color'=>'#DDDF0D'),

                        array('from'=>80, 'to'=>100, 'color'=>'#55BF3B'),



      'series' => array(

          array('name' => 'Marks', 'data' => $subject3)


