Query condition including NULL values

I am trying to generate a query which will include a condition for NULL values.

Basically the query I want to generate is this:


FROM `product`

WHERE (`active`=1 AND `deleted`=0) AND ((`date` BETWEEN 1800 AND 2016) OR (`date` IS NULL))

Here is the code I am using to try and generate the query:

$query = $this->find();

$query->where(['active' => 1, 'deleted' => 0]);


    'between', 'date', $this->year_min, $this->year_max,



    'date' => null,


This is obviously incorrect, as the query it is generating is this:


FROM `product`

WHERE ((`active`=1) AND (`deleted`=0)) AND (`date` BETWEEN 1800 AND 2016) OR (`date` IS NULL)

Does anyone know the correct way to do this?

I think that you could use andWhere instead andFilterWhere, so query should be:



    ['between', 'date', $this->year_min, $this->year_max],

    ['date' => null]


Something like this should work:




    ['between', 'date', $this->year_min, $this->year_max],

    ['date' => null],



See this docs.

Sorry Frabrizio, we were formulating the answer at the same time.

You are welcome!

Thanks. This works perfectly :)