TbExtendedGridView related data

I can’t figure out how to display the players for each registration in my GridView:

There are 1 or more players per registration and it does not need to be updated, just displayed as raw data ( something like ‘$data->players-first’.’ ‘.’$data->players-last’)

I can link to a separate (already functioning) players GridView to edit inline by the Registration->ID field.

Can someone please help? My code is below:

I have the following tables:

  • Registrations

  • Players (

  • DivisionLevels

  • Divisions - related through DivisionLevels

  • Levels - related through DivisionLevels

Registrations model attributes and relations:


 * This is the model base class for the table "registrations".

 * DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It is automatically generated by giix.

 * If any changes are necessary, you must set or override the required

 * property or method in class "Registrations".


 * Columns in table "registrations" available as properties of the model,

 * followed by relations of table "registrations" available as properties of the model.


 * @property integer $ID

 * @property integer $transactionID

 * @property integer $divisionLevelID

 * @property integer $field

 * @property integer $net

 * @property integer $team

 * @property string $notes


 * @property Players[] $players

 * @property DivisionLevels $divisionLevel

 * @property Fields $field0

 * @property Transactions $transaction

public function relations() {

		return array(

			'players' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Players', 'registrationID'),

			'divisionLevel' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'DivisionLevels', 'divisionLevelID'),

			'field0' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Fields', 'field'),

			'transaction' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Transactions', 'transactionID'),



My current admin view is this:

<?php $this->widget('ext.booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(

	'id' => 'registrations-grid',

	'dataProvider' => $model->search(),

	'filter' => $model,

	'columns' => array(




				'value'=>'GxHtml::valueEx($data->transaction)', // change to text search






				'filter'=>GxHtml::listDataEx(Divisions::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true)),






				'filter'=>GxHtml::listDataEx(Levels::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true)),





				'filter'=>GxHtml::listDataEx(Fields::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true)),

				), // filters appropriately






                'name' => 'net',

                'header' => 'Net',

                'class' => 'ext.booster.widgets.TbEditableColumn',

                'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:30px'),

                'editable' => array(

                    'type' => 'text',

                    'url' => $this->createUrl('registrations/editable')




                'name' => 'team',

                'header' => 'Team #',

                'class' => 'ext.booster.widgets.TbEditableColumn',

                'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:30px'),

                'editable' => array(

                    'type' => 'text',

                    'url' => $this->createUrl('registrations/editable')




                'name' => 'notes',

                'header' => 'Notes',

                'class' => 'ext.booster.widgets.TbEditableColumn',

                'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:30px'),

                'editable' => array(

                    'type' => 'text',

                    'url' => $this->createUrl('registrations/editable')






			'class' => 'CButtonColumn',



)); ?>

Registrations Controller for Admin:

public function actionAdmin() {

		$model = new Registrations('search');


		if (isset($_GET['Registrations']))


		$this->render('admin', array(

			'model' => $model,

